

Fundraising Regulator market inquiry findings urge charities to review their subcontracted face-to-face fundraising relationships

The Fundraising Regulator has published the findings of its first market inquiry into the use of subcontracting in face-to-face fundraising by charities and fundraising agencies.
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Update on our market inquiry into the use of subcontracting in face-to-face fundraising

Our Head of Proactive Regulation and Projects Jim Tebbett provides an update on our market inquiry into the use of subcontracting in face-to-face fundraising and the workshops we ran with charities an...
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Is your charity compliant with the Fundraising Preference Service?

Subodh Patel, Manager of the Fundraising Preference Service, explains how your charity can make sure it is compliant with the Code of Fundraising Practice and data protection law by accessing its FPS ...
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Being a trustee has never been so challenging or rewarding

Lord Michael Grade, former Chair of the Fundraising Regulator, talks about his time as a trustee and why trusteeship has never been so important.
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