Code of Fundraising Practice
Recommendations on changes to the code are made by the Fundraising Regulator’s Standards Committee in consultation with our stakeholders. Changes to the code must be approved by the Fundraising Regulator’s Board.

Code Advice Service
The Code Advice Service allows you to contact the Fundraising Regulator with specific questions about the Code of Fundraising Practice and how it applies to your fundraising activity.
The service is open to anyone, including members of the public, volunteers and professional fundraisers.

Code review 2022-25
We are currently reviewing the Code of Fundraising Practice and will not be updating the current code standards during this period, unless essential. Some standards may be affected by changes to UK law, for more information see our legal note.
If you have any questions about the code review, or about the impact of any recent legislation on the code, please contact the policy team for advice.
Use the links below to navigate through the code and make sure you read the using the code section first.