

Fundraising Regulator strengthens Fundraising Preference Service following independent review

The Fundraising Regulator has unveiled changes to the Fundraising Preference Service (FPS) - the tool that allows people to stop direct marketing communications from charities - which strengthen the s...
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Gathering intelligence and providing support through self-reporting fundraising incidents

Catherine Orr, Head of Casework at the Fundraising Regulator, explains how we developed a new pathway for self-reporting fundraising incidents to protect the public; provide advice and support to repo...
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Regulators urge safe giving to support Ukraine

The Charity Commission and Fundraising Regulator have urged the public to ‘give safely’ to registered charities helping and supporting those affected by the invasion of Ukraine.
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Fundraising Regulator publishes annual report and accounts for 1 September 2020 to 31 August 2021

The Fundraising Regulator has published its Annual Report and Accounts 2020/21, which reveals the highest ever payment rate of the Fundraising Levy over the past year, as charities continue to commit ...
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WITHDRAWN Coronavirus (COVID-19): Safe and responsible fundraising as COVID-19 restrictions lift

This advice was withdrawn in 2022. Charlotte Urwin, our Head of Policy, and Dan Fluskey, Head of Policy and External Affairs at the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, explain more about how we have d...
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Young people are savvier and more generous when giving to charity at Christmas

Research from the Fundraising Regulator and Charity Commission reveals 18-24 year olds are more generous and more likely to check before donating at Christmas time.
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Being a trustee has never been so challenging or rewarding

Lord Michael Grade, former Chair of the Fundraising Regulator, talks about his time as a trustee and why trusteeship has never been so important.
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1000th charity signs up to registration

The Fundraising Regulator has welcomed its 1000th sign up to the registration scheme launched in March 2017 to charities not within the scope of the fundraising levy.
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Five ways to check if an email from us is genuine

Following a series of scam emails targeting charities, Stephen Service, former Policy Manager at the Fundraising Regulator, highlights five ways to check if an email from the Fundraising Regulator is ...
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Registration opened for charities

The Fundraising Regulator has opened its registration system to charities registered in England and Wales, that fall below the £100,000 fundraising levy threshold.
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Finance and fundraising: we need better partnerships

Andrew O'Brien, former Head of Policy and Engagement for the Charity Finance Group, writes about why finance teams and fundraisers need to communicate better in order to ensure enough income is genera...
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