

Shaping the future: an update on our code review

Our Policy Manager Conor Gibson shares an update on what we have done during the consultation period for our code review 2022-25, the response to the consultation, and what comes next as we enter the ...
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Opinium Research: The public’s experience and expectations of charitable fundraising

Paul Winyard, Head of Policy at the Fundraising Regulator, shares insights into the recent research led by Opinium on our behalf, looking at the public’s experience and expectations of charitable fund...
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Responding to feedback from the sector from our levy review

Our Chair, Lord Toby Harris, discusses the outcome of our levy review, and our decision to increase the Fundraising Levy and registration fee following the review.
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Developing a proportionate response to Fundraising Preference Service compliance

The Fundraising Preference Service has been helping people manage their communications with charities, and end contact with those that they no longer want to hear from. In 2020 we commissioned an inde...
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Changes to the way we report on complaints data from charities

In response to findings from our complaints handling survey last summer, we are pausing the collection of complaints data from charities that contribute to our Annual Complaints report. Find out more.
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Update on our market inquiry into the use of subcontracting in face-to-face fundraising

Our Head of Proactive Regulation and Projects Jim Tebbett provides an update on our market inquiry into the use of subcontracting in face-to-face fundraising and the workshops we ran with charities an...
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The Fundraising Levy and why it’s vital for self-regulation

Our Head of Finance Nick Allaway, who has been at the Fundraising Regulator since 2016, shares his thoughts on the history of the Fundraising Levy, why it’s vital for successful regulation of the fund...
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Insights from our Complaints Handling Survey 2023

Sara Asaria, Policy Officer at the Fundraising Regulator, discusses insights from our Complaints Handling Survey conducted in summer 2023.
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Charities urged to review their subcontracting relationships

Paul Winyard, Head of Policy at the Fundraising Regulator, discusses recent issues related to the use of subcontracting by fundraising agencies and the risks trustees should be aware of.
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Learning from the code review 2022-24 information gathering process

Paul Winyard, Head of Policy at the Fundraising Regulator, shares more about the review of the Code of Fundraising Practice 2022-24 and what we learned from the public call for information and stakeho...
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Five fundraising best practice considerations when working with others

Catherine Orr, Head of Casework at the Fundraising Regulator, reflects on the results of a recent inquiry by the Charity Commission for England and Wales and the learning from this case about things t...
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Our regulatory remit and how we assess complaints

Catherine Orr, Head of Casework at the Fundraising Regulator, explains more about the way we assess the complaints we receive and how we respond to those outside our regulatory remit.
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Implementing the first phase of our equality, diversity and inclusion strategy

Lord Toby Harris, Chair of the Fundraising Regulator, reflects on progress made in implementing the first internal phase of our equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) strategy.
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Four steps for making your sorry, a good sorry

Caroline Sefton, former Case Officer, and Rob Baker, Case Officer, write about how organisations can improve their complaint handling by apologising in an appropriate way.
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Four ways your charity can improve its fundraising reporting

Philip Satherley, former Policy Manager at the Fundraising Regulator, explains how complying with the fundraising reporting requirements in the Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016 ca...
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WITHDRAWN Coronavirus (COVID-19): Supporting a safe and responsible return to fundraising

This advice was withdrawn. Priya Warner, former Head of Policy at the Fundraising Regulator, and Daniel Fluskey, Head of Policy and External Affairs at the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, explain ...
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WITHDRAWN Coronavirus (COVID-19): Setting up a Coronavirus appeal - what you need to know

This advice was withdrawn in 2022. Priya Warner, former Head of Policy, writes about what members of the public need to know when setting up a coronavirus appeal, to ensure your fundraising is legal a...
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Refining our complaints process

Catherine Orr, Head of Casework, reflects upon the findings from our first external review and the learning that we have implemented as a result.
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What we’ve learned from answering enquiries from charities and the public

Edward Brown, former Standards Officer, writes about what we’ve learned from answering enquiries from charities and the public
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Trust in fundraisers: reflections on our annual accountability event

Following our annual accountability event on 18 November 2019, Lord Toby Harris reflects on discussions on the topic of trust in fundraisers.
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Fundraising on Giving Tuesday

To mark Giving Tuesday, Gráinne Mathews, who leads Giving Tuesday UK for the Charities Aid Foundation, reflects on how charities have used the global fundraising movement to try new ways of fundraisin...
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Questions your board should be asking about fundraising

To mark Trustees’ Week, Suzanne McCarthy, Chair of Depaul UK and board member of the Fundraising Regulator, writes about questions your board should be asking about fundraising.
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Five top tips to avoid fundraising fraud

Former Head of Policy Priya Warner shares five top tips to avoid fundraising fraud for International Charity Fraud Awareness Week.
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Navigating the Code of Fundraising Practice online

On 1 October 2019 the new Code of Fundraising Practice came into effect. Former Head of Policy Priya Warner writes about how we have brought the code to life on our website and how to navigate the new...
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