

Leaving nothing to chance: what you need to know about lottery, free draw and prize competition fundraising

Gavin Doyle, Policy and Standards Officer at the Fundraising Regulator highlights some of the regulations fundraisers must follow when hosting a lottery, and things the public should be aware of when ...
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Reflecting on the past five years of fundraising and data protection regulation

Lord Toby Harris, Chair of the Fundraising Regulator and Elizabeth Denham CBE, the UK Information Commissioner, reflect on the past five years of fundraising and data protection regulation in the char...
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Four small words of great significance: the key values of fundraising practice

Gavin Doyle, Policy and Standards Officer at the Fundraising Regulator, shares why the fundraising values are essential for creating a positive fundraising experience.
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Self-reporting fundraising incidents

Catherine Orr, Head of Casework at the Fundraising Regulator, outlines our plans to develop a self-reporting pathway for organisations to follow when they identify that they may have breached the Code...
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WITHDRAWN Coronavirus (COVID-19): Regulating fundraising as pandemic restrictions ease

This advice was withdrawn in 2022. Charlotte Urwin, Head of Policy at the Fundraising Regulator, outlines the work we are doing to ensure that fundraisers have timely advice, as and when restrictions ...
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Five years of fundraising regulation

Peter Lewis, former Chief Executive of the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, looks back at the five years since the Fundraising Regulator came into being, and how the fundraising sector and fundrais...
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Four steps for making your sorry, a good sorry

Caroline Sefton, former Case Officer, and Rob Baker, Case Officer, write about how organisations can improve their complaint handling by apologising in an appropriate way.
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Four ways your charity can improve its fundraising reporting

Philip Satherley, former Policy Manager at the Fundraising Regulator, explains how complying with the fundraising reporting requirements in the Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016 ca...
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WITHDRAWN Coronavirus (COVID-19): Supporting a safe and responsible return to fundraising

This advice was withdrawn. Priya Warner, former Head of Policy at the Fundraising Regulator, and Daniel Fluskey, Head of Policy and External Affairs at the Chartered Institute of Fundraising, explain ...
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WITHDRAWN Coronavirus (COVID-19): Setting up a Coronavirus appeal - what you need to know

This advice was withdrawn in 2022. Priya Warner, former Head of Policy, writes about what members of the public need to know when setting up a coronavirus appeal, to ensure your fundraising is legal a...
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Refining our complaints process

Catherine Orr, Head of Casework, reflects upon the findings from our first external review and the learning that we have implemented as a result.
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What we’ve learned from answering enquiries from charities and the public

Edward Brown, former Standards Officer, writes about what we’ve learned from answering enquiries from charities and the public
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