

Developing a proportionate response to Fundraising Preference Service compliance

The Fundraising Preference Service has been helping people manage their communications with charities, and end contact with those that they no longer want to hear from. In 2020 we commissioned an inde...
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Is your charity compliant with the Fundraising Preference Service?

Subodh Patel, Manager of the Fundraising Preference Service, explains how your charity can make sure it is compliant with the Code of Fundraising Practice and data protection law by accessing its FPS ...
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Leaving nothing to chance: what you need to know about lottery, free draw and prize competition fundraising

Gavin Doyle, Policy and Standards Officer at the Fundraising Regulator highlights some of the regulations fundraisers must follow when hosting a lottery, and things the public should be aware of when ...
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Reflecting on the past five years of fundraising and data protection regulation

Lord Toby Harris, Chair of the Fundraising Regulator and Elizabeth Denham CBE, the UK Information Commissioner, reflect on the past five years of fundraising and data protection regulation in the char...
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Amendment to standard 12.6.2 (free draws) of the Code of Fundraising Practice

The Fundraising Regulator will be making a minor change to the current wording of standard 12.6.2 in the Code of Fundraising Practice to reflect more accurately the legislation which underpins the sta...
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Four ways your charity can improve its fundraising reporting

Philip Satherley, former Policy Manager at the Fundraising Regulator, explains how complying with the fundraising reporting requirements in the Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016 ca...
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Fundraising Regulator publishes results of review into compliance with fundraising reporting requirements

The Fundraising Regulator has published the results of its latest review into charities’ compliance with the fundraising reporting requirements in Section 13 of the Charities (Protection and Social In...
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Questions your board should be asking about fundraising

To mark Trustees’ Week, Suzanne McCarthy, Chair of Depaul UK and board member of the Fundraising Regulator, writes about questions your board should be asking about fundraising.
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Old stamps, new tricks: how to avoid stamp fraud

John Kitchen from Royal Mail talks about how selling old stamps to raise money for a good cause can lead to fraud, and how to avoid it.
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Respect your donors’ data wishes

Gerald Oppenheim, Chief Executive explains why fundraisers should respect the data protection rights of the public, for Data Protection Day 2019.
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Good fundraising relies on the innovation and diversity of trustees

Sacha Deshmukh, Board Member of the Fundraising Regulator, talks about what he's learned from his time on charity trustee boards, and why diversity and innovation are vital for ethical, sustainable fu...
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People, process and technology: how GoFundMe keeps users safe

A blog by Meghan Luther at GoFundMe for Charity Fraud Awareness week 2018, explaining how the fundraising platform protects donors and beneficiaries against the risk of fraud.
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Commercial participators: how to find the right one for you

What is a commercial participator and how can your charity choose the right one? Jane Montague explains the value commercial participators offer and how to avoid the sharks.
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New rules for online fundraising platforms

New rules and guidance published by the Fundraising Regulator outlining the responsibilities for online fundraising platforms.
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Being a trustee has never been so challenging or rewarding

Lord Michael Grade, former Chair of the Fundraising Regulator, talks about his time as a trustee and why trusteeship has never been so important.
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