Resource library

Useful guidance, summaries of our investigations, and publications for donors and fundraisers.


Guidance for charitable institutions working with commercial participators

Working with commercial participators can be beneficial to charitable institutions, offering opportunities to access new funding sources and increase public awareness. However, there are legal require...
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Guidance for charitable institutions working with professional fundraisers

Working with professional fundraisers can help charitable institutions meet their fundraising goals and access external skills, knowledge and experience. However, there are legal requirements with whi...
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Guidance for online fundraising platforms

This guidance represents the minimum standard of information we would expect donors to see to be able to make an informed decision to donate through an online fundraising platform.
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The Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Act 2016: Fundraising reporting requirements guidance

Guidance on complying with fundraising reporting requirements for charities which produce an annual report and their trustees.
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